Sunday, December 16, 2012

Deer hunting!!

Dad went deer hunting for the week and it was Bryson and Mommy time! On Tuesday we did our civic duty and voted. We were one of the first people in line and even waited outside for a couple minutes :)

 Afterwards, we both sported our I Voted stickers :) 
Mom and Bryson went home to Wykoff to visit Dad and Grandma/Grandpa for the weekend. On the way to Wykoff, Bryson got hungry so we stopped and had Bryson's first happy meal! He loved the chicken nuggets! :)

Bryson played nicely all weekend! Bryson walked behind the vacuum cleaner for the first time this weekend! He started off walking slow, but by the end of the weekend, he was practically running behind it!

 Bryson's hair was getting so long!!!

We event went to visit Great-Great Grandma! 

When we got home on Sunday, we took Bryson to his get his first haircut! He was such a big boy!! He sat in the chair all by himself!! :)

Bryson looked so grown up with his new haircut!! :)

 Sammy let Bryson pet her finally! :)

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