Monday, October 22, 2012

New home!!!

This past weekend we moved into our new home!!! Grandpa and Grandma came this weekend to help with the move. Grandpa came down Thursday night to help, we don't know what we would have done without his help!!!

On Friday night, Grandpa gave Bryson a bath all by himself!! We could hear Bryson laughing and splashing in the tub and it sounded like lots of fun!! On Saturday night, Grandma gave Bryson a bath and got to spend some Grandma time together!!

Grandpa and Bryson are two peas in a pod!! :)

The night before the big move, Bryson helped Grandpa and Dad take apart the crib!!!

Grandma identified tooth #2 for Bryson! You can definitely feel his teeth when you put your finger into his mouth, but they are still pretty small to see. Hopefully they will be out soon because they seem to be bothering him! :(

Grandma played with Bryson all day Saturday while Grandpa and Dad worked in the garage putting the loft and garage door together. Bryson watched so intently it was so cute!! It was nice being able to take Bryson into the yard and sit in the grass!! We are looking forward to playing catch next summer! :)

 Hanging out with Grandma!!! 

Hanging out with Grandpa on Saturday morning!!

Bryson was holding the couch this eventing and walked all the way to the other end of the couch! I have a feeling he is going to be walking soon!

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