Monday, October 22, 2012

New home!!!

This past weekend we moved into our new home!!! Grandpa and Grandma came this weekend to help with the move. Grandpa came down Thursday night to help, we don't know what we would have done without his help!!!

On Friday night, Grandpa gave Bryson a bath all by himself!! We could hear Bryson laughing and splashing in the tub and it sounded like lots of fun!! On Saturday night, Grandma gave Bryson a bath and got to spend some Grandma time together!!

Grandpa and Bryson are two peas in a pod!! :)

The night before the big move, Bryson helped Grandpa and Dad take apart the crib!!!

Grandma identified tooth #2 for Bryson! You can definitely feel his teeth when you put your finger into his mouth, but they are still pretty small to see. Hopefully they will be out soon because they seem to be bothering him! :(

Grandma played with Bryson all day Saturday while Grandpa and Dad worked in the garage putting the loft and garage door together. Bryson watched so intently it was so cute!! It was nice being able to take Bryson into the yard and sit in the grass!! We are looking forward to playing catch next summer! :)

 Hanging out with Grandma!!! 

Hanging out with Grandpa on Saturday morning!!

Bryson was holding the couch this eventing and walked all the way to the other end of the couch! I have a feeling he is going to be walking soon!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Bryson is 9 months old!!

Bryson had his 9 month wellness visit with Dr. Burt and he's getting big!! He is in the 95th percentile for height and 74th percentile for weight!! Bryson is wearing 12-18 month old clothes!! :)

Bryson also LOVES the cats! Unfortunately, the feeling isn't as mutual, however, it won't be long until they become the best of friends!! Now they are still a little too quick for him to catch but look out cats!!

Bryson is finally getting a tooth!! (9/15) It's on the bottom in the middle!

Bryson had his pictures at "school" today! He wore his new jeans and a button down plaid shirt and cardigan sweater! :) The girls at day care said that Bryson was all smiles and the guy taking the pictures had a stuffed monkey but they told him if Bryson see's it, he won't be getting it back!!

Bath time is still one of our favorite nightly activities as a family! Dad and Mom each have our own responsibilities. When I take Bryson out of the bath Dad always says waiting for you and Bryson always smiles and tries to see Dad! It's pretty cute!!

Bryson is also starting to say up! Last Saturday night he woke up during the night and kept saying up, we both just started laughing!!

Bryson's favorite toys consist of his guitar toy Auntie Farrah found at her house and gave to him, his cups, snail-but only when Dad crashes it into other toys, and his Melissa and Doug spinning toy. He goes to bed every night with his monkey! He also loves his stuffed monkey and sock monkey! Last, but certainly not least, he loves all 150 plastic balls that can be dumped on top of him!

The other night we made a fort out of blankets and Bryson thought that was pretty cool!!

We are getting ready to move into our new house and start a new chapter of our lives! I am so excited for Bryson to have a yard to play in and tons of kids his age!! :)

Labor Day Weekend!!

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa Zwart for Labor Day and had a great time!!! Bryson slept in Grandma and Grandpa's room and even got to snuggle with Grandpa in bed until 8am!!   Grandpa was snoring, but Bryson didn't seem to mind! :)

Bryson had to show off his new tricks, specifically patty cakes, he absolutely loves that!!! We played outside with the leaves and even tasted one! I don't think Bryson liked it very much, but the leaf just seems to stick to his tongue :)

We went for quite a few walks and enjoyed the beautiful weather!!

Bryson loved to snuggle with Grandma and loved riding horsey with Grandpa!! 
 On Saturday night there was a little parade and Bryson got his very first pieces of candy!!

Dad even bought Bryson a bag full of 150 balls. We put them in his pack n' play and he thinks that is pretty much the best thing ever!!

Bryson is started to do things that he thinks are funny! For instance, I will be in the bathroom and he will crawl over and peek in with a huge smile!!! He will then squeal and laugh, it is so cute!!! Yesterday he was acting so silly, he would hold onto one of his balls and he was squealing and rolling around the floor, it was so funny!!
Bryson being silly in the tub! :)
Bryson can officially climb all the stairs!! If we turn our backs for a second, he is climbing up! He made it to the 6th stair yesterday with Mom and Dad right beside him...

Bryson was patiently waiting for Mom to get ready for work! :) It's hard not having a great day when the first thing you see in the morning is Bryson!!

Home to Wykoff! (End of August)

This past weekend we went home to Wykoff because Auntie Tiff had a house warming party. On Friday night we spend time with Grandma and Grandpa playing and even stayed up an hour past our bedtime! Bryson absolutely loves Grandma and Grandpa, he smiled pretty much the entire weekend!!

On Saturday morning, we went to see Great-Great Grandma's new place! She moved into an assisted living apartment and Bryson had fun crawling all around! Bryson is pretty quick and wanted to play with Grandma's trinkets but no one would let him! :) Bryson even snuggled up to Grandma and had a little milky!

It was getting close to nap time! 

I love the look on Bryson's face!!! 

On Saturday afternoon, we went to Auntie Tiff's house and Bryson was so busy watching everyone! His cousin Cameron even made him laugh again! Everything Cameron does makes Bryson smile! :)

Bryson being spoiled by his Auntie Nana! :)