We went home to ND for the weekend and Auntie Farrah and Grandma babysat while Mom and Dad visited with friends on Saturday night. Bryson is still amazing in the car and slept pretty much the entire way to and from Grand Forks. Bryson is able to sit up by himself for short periods of time! It's amazing how big he's getting! He is even able to roll both from back to stomach and stomach to back, but he's only done the stomach to back once.
Bryson has been eating carrots which he thinks are ok, and absolutely loves mango's and banana's!! He is eating food two times per day, once at home and once at daycare.
Bryson has slept through the night for almost two weeks straight!! He's such a good boy!! One morning he was asleep in his crib and was sucking his thumb, it was so cute!!!
The next morning when we went into Bryson's room he was sleeping on his side and the next morning Bryson was sleeping on his stomach. He must have either hit his cheek on the crib or else his face was red from sleeping on it because it stayed red for most of the day! ;( He is also starting to scoot all around! When we put him in his crib we have to make sure he's at the end of the crib so when he scoots he doesn't hit his head. Tony says "Get over here" in a funny voice and then tugs on Bryson's feet and he loves it!! He's starting to laugh a lot and even Mom gets a laugh now and then, but Dad seems to be the funny one!
On Monday night we went to Bryson's 2nd Twins game!! The Twins didn't win, but we still had lots of fun! The weather was perfect and Bryson gave all the girls around us smiles!!!
We were pretty tired afterwards!!
Bryson still loves his bath time! :) He's almost too big for the little tub and we are anxiously awaiting the big tub so we will have more room to play with toys!! Richard his rubber duck is a constant favorite :)
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