Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bryson is 6 months old and home to Wykoff!

Bryson is already 6 months old!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone and what an amazing little boy Bryson is!!! His hand eye coordination is amazing and he is able to transfer toys from one hand to another. Every morning I send the Grandparents a picture as a fun way to watch Bryson grow! Bryson is always so smiley in the morning, I look forward to waking him up! 

 Last weekend we went home to Wykoff to visit family and attend Bryson's cousin's graduation party. Bryson even got to meet his Great-Grandpa for the first time!!

Bryson is one of the rare kids who are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to take a five generation picture!!!

After the graduation party, we visited Great-Great Grandma at her house so she could have some along Bryson time! Bryson also visited with Great-Great Aunties Darlene and Donna.

Bryson loves his big cousin Cameron and would laugh at everything Cameron did! It was even hard to eat at times because Bryson kept smiling!!

Bryson's Great-Auntie Tina and cousins!

Great Auntie Pam

Grandma and Nana! 

Bryson is now able to sit up all by himself!! We have been putting a pillow behind him to catch him when he gets tired! He's also eating lots of food! The new food this week has been pears, but he loves mangos and banana's. Bryson has been napping much better!! He now naps in his crib and knows when it's nap time! He has even been sleeping on his stomach at day care, and his poor little cheek gets super red!!

Bath time is still one of our favorite times! This weekend we are going to take a big boy bath! Now Bryson holds his legs in the air and then splashes suddenly! It's definitely a conscious decision to splash!!

Dad took the day off from work to spend with Bryson! They had a fun day playing nicely! Hopefully tomorrow they can play outside!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mother's Day and 2nd Twins Game!!

I had the most amazing first Mother's day! Daycare made a cute hand print art project from Bryson that was so sweet!! Bryson, with Dad's help of course, wrote "Top Reasons that you are my Mom." I absolutely loved it and I still can't read it without tearing up, it was by far the sweetest gift ever!!! Dad and Bryson also bought me a couple charms for my bracelet, a Mom bead and a I love you bead. We definitely had a great day!!!

We went home to ND for the weekend and Auntie Farrah and Grandma babysat while Mom and Dad visited with friends on Saturday night. Bryson is still amazing in the car and slept pretty much the entire way to and from Grand Forks. Bryson is able to sit up by himself for short periods of time! It's amazing how big he's getting! He is even able to roll both from back to stomach and stomach to back, but he's only done the stomach to back once.

Bryson has been eating carrots which he thinks are ok, and absolutely loves mango's and banana's!! He is eating food two times per day, once at home and once at daycare.

Bryson has slept through the night for almost two weeks straight!! He's such a good boy!! One morning he was asleep in his crib and was sucking his thumb, it was so cute!!!

The next morning when we went into Bryson's room he was sleeping on his side and the next morning Bryson was sleeping on his stomach. He must have either hit his cheek on the crib or else his face was red from sleeping on it because it stayed red for most of the day! ;( He is also starting to scoot all around! When we put him in his crib we have to make sure he's at the end of the crib so when he scoots he doesn't hit his head. Tony says "Get over here" in a funny voice and then tugs on Bryson's feet and he loves it!! He's starting to laugh a lot and even Mom gets a laugh now and then, but Dad seems to be the funny one!

On Monday night we went to Bryson's 2nd Twins game!! The Twins didn't win, but we still had lots of fun! The weather was perfect and Bryson gave all the girls around us smiles!!!

We were pretty tired afterwards!!

Bryson still loves his bath time! :) He's almost too big for the little tub and we are anxiously awaiting the big tub so we will have more room to play with toys!! Richard his rubber duck is a constant favorite :)

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Grandma visits for the week!

Bryson was spoiled this past week with Grandma Rocksvold visiting! Bryson gave Grandma lots of smiles and she even got to meet his little friends at day care! On Thursday, Bryson even went to Albertville shopping with Mom and Grandma! Bath time was definitely a hit and Bryson showed Grandma how big he can splash in the tub! Friday we took Grandma out for her birthday for Mexican and Bryson was busy looking all around!! The weather was really nice so we were able to spend some time outside! Grandma even got Bryson to giggle super loud!!!

La Casita! 

Bryson is such a happy little guy!!! :)

Bryson also tried banana's for the first time this week and loved them!! He couldn't get enough!! We have been introducing a new food every four days and he seems to be getting used to eating food! He sits so nicely in his high chair and opens his mouth big! :) We also tried apples this week, which appeared to be sour! He made a sour face and shook his head, it was so cute!! We have decided to feed Bryson only organic food for the first year.

Bryson is rolling over super fast now! The minute you lay him down on his back he rolls over!! He is also almost sitting up by himself! He still needs just a little support, but soon!! When Bryson rolls over on his tummy he is starting to get his knees under him and he will be crawling soon no doubt!! We are also pretty sure that Bryson is teething. He has a little bump on his lower gum so it's only a matter of time!! Bryson has been scratching himself when he sleeps quite a bit, so we've been putting socks on his hands when he sleeps. He has been waking up during the night so we thought perhaps it's because he can't suck on his thumb when he wakes up so Dad cut thumb holes in his socks :) We are still waiting to see if this helps!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Twins Game!!

We took Bryson to his first Twins game last Sunday against the Royals! It was a day game, and the Twins won 7 to 2 against the Royals which is quite a feat since they haven't been playing very well. Bryson must be their lucky charm!!

Tony event made a circle me Bert sign that said "Circle Me Bert it's my 1st Twins Game!! :) We didn't get circled this time, but we have 9 more games to go!!

During the game, Bryson was so good! He looked around at all the people and of course gave all the girls around us smiles! He was definitely the hit in our seating area! It was a little cool at the game, which is to be expected for late April, but Bryson had on a warm sweater and we had Bryson's Twins blanket which also came in handy!!