Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Bryson rolls over!!

This past weekend we went to Grand Forks to visit Grandma Rocksvold. Bryson slept the entire way from Andover to Grand Forks!! He's such a good little traveler!

On Saturday, Auntie Farrah, Jocelynn and Carsten came to Grandma's to spend the day/night with us. We played on the swing set outside and when it was nap time, Dad took Bryson in and he only slept for 15 minutes. Then, Dad thought he would try out the video camera on our new camera and as he was filming, Bryson rolled over for the first time!!! Now, it's old news to Bryson as he rolls over all the time!!

Bryson enjoyed being spoiled by Grandma and the smiles were endless the entire weekend!! He's at such a fun age :) Grandma even babysat Bryson while Mom and Dad visited with friends! Bryson gave Grandma a run for her money, but Grandma prevailed and had him sleeping with his arms sprawled out in the pack and play! He was definitely all played out for the night! :)

Bryson also got a Johnny Jumper this weekend and he loves it!! We put it up at Grandma's and he jumped all around! When we got home, Tony was able to attach the jumper to a longer rope and now it hangs down from the loft so Bryson is free to jump around as much as he wants!! :)

Tony picked up Bryson last week from daycare and he was sitting in the bouncer and his friend Caleb was pushing down the sides so Bryson would bounce! :) When I drop off Bryson in the morning Caleb always comes over and peeks at Bryson in his car seat and when Tony picks him up, Caleb is always trying to help with the car seat. Caleb even new which car seat was Bryson's!! It's so cute!

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