Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Bryson heads to daycare!

Bryson went to daycare for the first time today! Tony and I both brought him so we could learn the routine of the daycare and to make sure that Bryson would be comfortable in his new environment. It was definitely harder on Mom and Dad than Bryson that's for sure! I had tears before we even left the house and I know that I wasn't alone :)

Once we were signed in to daycare, the teachers showed us around and we dropped off extra outfits, his blanket, and extra binky. When we set Bryson down in the room, the first little girl that came over to peek at Bryson in his car seat was obviously sick and had a runny nose :(

When I handed Bryson over to the teacher, he gave a big smile, almost to reassure Mom and Dad that he would be fine! Bryson only slept 3 hours the entire day!! I called the daycare two times and Bryson did was doing great! The teachers said that Bryson was busy looking around and watching all the business of the infant room!

When I picked Bryson up after work, he was busy having a bottle with one of the teachers. He was so tired, when we got home he fell asleep immediately! We hoping that he will sleep for 5 hours tonight!!

Tomorrow, Bryson and I are spending the day snuggling before he has to go back to daycare on Thursday.

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