Sunday, June 10, 2012

Bryson's first camping trip and 4th Twins Game!!!

On Friday night we went camping as a family for the first time!! We were a little nervous because we weren't sure if Bryson would have a good time, sleep well, weather would be too warm, etc. We ended up having an amazing time and Bryson is already am awesome camper!! :) Tony was a master packer and got all of our camping belongings in his car!!

We were able to fit Bryson's pack in play into the tent and it worked perfect! It was pretty warm this weekend, so as the night went on, I would put a couple more layers of clothing on Bryson and he didn't even wake up! He sleeps so nicely in his pack n' play!! He slept through the night both nights!!

The weather was in the 90s each day so we went swimming three times!

We purchased a new screened in tent that Tony put up first when we got to the camp site. It was a little tricky to set up for the first time, but it worked great!!

On Saturday morning, we got up and made breakfast while Bryson played nicely by himself and went swimming, then we were off to an art festival at the Chateau St. Croix in Wisconsin. (It was Bryson's first time to Wisconsin!)

Showing Bryson the goats!

Dad and Mom couldn't help but have a little wine sample :)

 Dad and Bryson snuggling Saturday morning!

He woke up all smiles on Saturday morning a little before 7am and we fed him a bottle and laid him next to us on the air mattress and the three of us slept in until 9am! 

Bryson woke up from his nap! 

On Sunday morning, we packed the car back up and headed home to unload the car and drive to the Twins game! It was Bryson's 4th Twins game and he had lots of fun! It was pretty warm for the first couple innings and we walked around the stadium to cool off! By the third inning, our seats were out of the sun and we watched the rest of the game! Bryson's such a good little Twins fan, when it's nap time he just closes his eyes without a fuss!!

Overall, it was an amazing fun filled weekend!! :)

Mom and Son weekend!

This past weekend Bryson and Mom decided to have a weekend all to ourselves! Dad went fishing with Grandma and Grandpa and since it's been super busy lately I needed a weekend at home to catch up!

On Saturday Bryson and I went shopping to the Mall of America. Bryson is starting to shy away from strangers! When we were shopping, he wanted me to hold him the entire time and would hide his face in my shirt! When it was nap time, Bryson decided that the stroller was fine and he put his feet up on the cup holder, he looked like a pretty cool guy!! We had such a fun Mom and Son weekend!!!!

After shopping, Bryson and I went to visit Lisa, Colton, and Caden. Since Colton is only two months younger than Bryson, it's pretty cute to see them interact with each other!!

Dad came home early Sunday and it was fun family time!! What did we ever do without Bryson!!!!

Bryson and Vito checking each other out!! :)

Bryson also had his six months shots last week. He weighs 19 pounds, 8.5 ounces (80th percentile), 27.75 inches long (87th percentile), and 17.75 inches (82nd percentile) is his head circumference. He had three shots in his poor little legs, but only cried for a short time and was fine the rest of the night!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend!

It's hard to believe that summer is here!! :) Looking back to last year, we were so excited to have a little one to share our lives with and now that Bryson is here we couldn't be happier! Every day is a new adventure and there are times I catch myself thinking that I wish I could just stop time! It's truly the little things that we are thankful for each and every day, like Bryson's smile in the morning, laying down side by side and reading books, when he sees Mom or Dad and smiles, and Bryson's contagious giggle! :)

We have had a great first Memorial Day weekend with Bryson, maybe the best weekend ever! On Saturday we went shopping to Rosedale. Saturday night, Mom and Dad visited with friends and Ashlyn came over to watch Bryson. He woke up before we got home and Ashlyn gave Bryson a bottle and he put his hands on her face! He does this often now and it's so cute!! We always tease Bryson that Ashlyn is his girlfriend :) He definitely loves his girls!!

On Sunday we went to Bryson's third Twins game! He was such a good boy during the game! It was 90 degrees outside and our seats were in the sun for the first hour, but we used lots of sunscreen and a hat and enjoyed the beautiful weather! The Twins played the Tigers and Bryson even had his rally hat during the last inning, but the Tigers prevailed... This was the first game that we stayed until the end! Since it was pretty warm, the three of us shared a frozen lemon cup :) Going to Twins games is something I always want us to do with Bryson and the memories we have already created will be treasured for years to come!

Bryson's rally hat! :)

On Monday we went over to our neighbors Mom's house and went swimming for the first time! It was so much fun!! Bryson was lathered with sun screen! :) He really enjoyed splashing in the water! The water was almost 90 degrees so it was the perfect temperature for a first swim!

Bryson has also been sleeping through the night again! Every once in a while he'll wake up during the night, but on most nights he sleeps from 8pm- 6 or 7am! Bryson is almost ready for stage 2 baby food too!!

Bryson also had his first big boy bath on Sunday night! Bryson had so much fun!! We figured it was time to graduate from the baby tub since his feet were hitting the end and he sits up so good! Sometimes he still gets unsteady so we really had to watch him, but he did great! Bryson splashed more than ever and even laid down in the tub! We filled the tub with toys and had so much fun!!!