Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Week 25

I can't believe how fast time is going!!!! I haven't had too many new cravings, but I have been trying to stay away from the Cocoa Puffs since it seemed that was all I was eating! I am pretty sure that I have eaten more peanut butter in the last six months than I have my entire life!! :)

We had our last ultrasound on August 26th and Baby Z is doing great!! He or she weighs a little more than two pounds and is definitely growing ahead of schedule! The doctor hasn't officially moved the due date to December 5th, but I will leave it to Baby Z to decide when the time is right for him or her to meet Mom and Dad :)

Every day Baby Z's kicks get a little stronger! Tony and I have been enjoying feeling the baby move and we are constantly amazed at how strong he or she is!!!

Baby Z's room is finally complete! Tony worked hard putting together the crib and dresser and painting the room a beautiful warm yellow color. Often times, I walk into Baby Z's room because the warmth of the color makes me smile :)